Of all tales, impressions, & experiences, only Experiences are the key to success.

Friday, July 19, 2013

EEET2013 – Day 8-10 – Budapest (Hungary)

A three hour train ride brought us from the Volt Festival to Hungary’s capital: Budapest. Budapest is well known for a couple of things: Sziget Festival, cheap beer and the worldwide known thermen. What’s even more is that Budapest is the only city worldwide which is allowed to call itself “Capital of the Spa’s and Thermen”. 
View over the city from the top of the Castle
Hit Play and Enjoy your reading

As we knew that we were going to be exhausted and, to downsize it, a bit dirty, we had decided to look for a cheap place to stay which had a laundry included. We managed to book an apartment for seven people, though there were only four of us. I must congratulate Heike for finding this sweet spot as we ended up in an apartment for ten people with –and hang on-: five double beds, two bathrooms, a kitchen and a large living room with couches, a big ass tv and a hifi stereo to complete the picture. All this luxury for only ten Euros a person per day. That was a good deal!
Heroes' Square
After a long and calm night of sleep we got up with an amazing brunch, prepared by Liesbeth, and headed out to discover the city. I had done some research and found out the city was rather too large to discover it by foot. I managed to book a Hop On/Hop Off Tour bus ticket for ten Euros per person instead of fifteen and even managed to get a day extra on top of the forty eight hours that were included in the ticket! So basically we took all afternoon of our first full day hopping on and off the bus, (re-)discovering nice and nicer spots, places and views of Budapest.

After our city-tour a couple of us bought some cheap English-written books in a local book store and we headed back to the apartment. We were going to get together with our new friends from Belgium but that did not work out as one of them got sick. Luckily we had another friend coming by! Jonas, a good friend and (also) co-volunteer at AFS was in Budapest this week as well! After some chitchatting and thanks to the inventive ideas of Liesbeth we ended up playing a drinking game based on the popular card game Uno and the night ended how it had started: everybody slowing getting into bed one by one.
Meet-up with a friend from home!
The next day we decided to ‘do as the locals do’: go chilling a whole day at the Thermen. We took a fancy taxi and headed for the Lukacs thermen at the other side of the river. Little did we know it was more a place for people with health issues than a place where youngsters could go chilling. Let’s stat it like the following: the moment the four of us, in our early twenties, went inside the average age went from 85 to 75, at least… But we made the best of it and for only eleven Euros per person we enjoyed the hot tubs, sauna, swimming pools, Turkish steam baths etc.  As we were there anyway we decided to take a massage. Liesbeth and I decided (well she decided, and I just followed) to take a foot reflex massage. Very nice indeed! Relaxing a full day at the Thermen in Budapest? A must-see for all visitors!  
From the Thermen we walked over the bridge back to the Pest-side of Budapest (the city is divided into two parts: Buda on the left side of the river and Pest on the right) and passed by the enormous Parliament. Unfortunately road constructions were taking place so we couldn’t get a proper view. After having started the evening with a cocktail on a nice square in the city centre, we had a nice dinner in the oldest restaurant of Pest. As if this wasn’t good enough for our last evening in Hungary’s capital, we had the opportunity to do a night tour by boat on the Danube thanks to our Hop On/Hop Off ticket. Truly amazing the scenery of the both sides of the Danube with the castle, parliament, bridges, etc. a must see (as well!). A long day of relaxing and enjoying ended with meeting up with our new friends (we had met at the festival) from Belgium at a park in the centre of Budapest where we had a couple of beers together.
View from the bridge over the Danube

Hungary's parliament at night
The next day was all about getting to our next destination. In the morning we packed and after having booked our overnight train tickets at the Keletitrain station, Liesbeth and I headed for the Belgian Beer Café Mosselen in Budapest. In the afternoon she went shopping along with Toon & Heike and I stayed at the BBC to organize the next days of EEET2013. In the evening we all had dinner together at KFC (hell yeah!) and then the four of us split it. Toon & Heike were going to head to Vienna and Prague while Liesbeth and I headed south with the night train.

I must admit that in summer it might be a bit too hot to visit (35°C), but Budapest is really a must-see city for travelers in Middle- and Eastern Europe. This city really has a lot of interesting places to offer and it is only two and a half hours from Vienna by train!  Enjoy the Buda and pass on the Pest, next stop Belgrade, Serbia!

peace out_

Toon&Heike, Liesbeth&Thibault

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