Of all tales, impressions, & experiences, only Experiences are the key to success.

Monday, September 8, 2014

SEA2014: Day 1-4: Blasting Bangkok

Arriving in RM Guesthouse and getting a shower was probably one of the best feelings ever, after the long trip from Brussels. A noodle soup later I found myself in Khao San Road, having drinks with random people from all over the world. Well drinks... Cocktail buckets (€8 for 3buckets!) with a dutch lady as the bar owner was something one can only encounter in Bangkok. Go visit Oxxi's Place, and be sure to give her my greetings!

Day 1: East Centre Side
After a short first night in Thailand, I headed for a meeting point in the city to take party into a Free Walking Tour. Unfortunately, I did not find anyone, tourist nor guide, at the rendez-vous point and started making my way towards one of Bangkok's many palaces. A local guy started talking to me and before I  knew it, I was in a TukTuk to the river, heading for my single-person tour around Bangkok on the water. Quite an experience, which everyone should try in my opinion. For about an hour I was going around parts of Bangkok, viewing a nice piece of the city from the water side. This private boat ride ended up costing me 1000 Bath (instead of said 2000), which is about 20euros. A fair deal I believe as I was the only person on said boat. 
Private boat ride
After my boat ride, I got off near Wat Phra temple, visited it and enjoyed my lunch in one of the many kiosks/eat stands. I crossed the river for a mear 3Bath (yes, that is about €0,75) and visited the amazing Wat Arun, a very high temple from which the city can be admired freely. Someon talked me into a TukTuk-trip around the city. I ended up paying 60Bath, €1,5 to see a large part of the north bound side of Bangkok's centre like: Wat Intharawihan (a giant Buddha-statue) and Wat Benchamabophit (a beautiful marble temple). The deal for this cheap tour was that I would visit International James Fashion. National Geographic features it as the nr.1 Tailors to visit in the world. Well, I did visit it and I wasn't dissapointed. I got a tailor-made suit, 3 shirts and three ties for €237 Euros. Moreover, if I wish to order again, I can do this online and the clothes will be deliverd via air mail!

After this long day of sightseeing, I headed back for the hotel. A shower later I went for dinner in the ThipSamai restaurant. One of the most famous (and still cheap) restaurants in Bangkok. On the way there, the Democracy Monument crossed my way as well and obviously I ended up with drinks in Khao San Road.
View from Wat Arun

DAY 2: Criss-Cross Sightseeing
My second day in Bangkok started with meeting up with Bank. He was a Thai AFS-student who came to Mechelen a couple of years ago and I had the pleasure of being his 'counselor' back then. After some chatting up, we headed for the tailor to try-out my suit. 

We then headed for the Royal Palace where we were supposed to view antique carriages, but nothing was less true. Some nice exhibition pieces from the time when this palace was still used -by one of the previous kings- was all we got to see. Next we went to the 'current' Royal Palace, but at the entrance we had to pay €12,5 just to get it and I was unwilling to pay this. It is said to be very nice, but I am travelling on a budget, so not for me. By the way, if you feel like going be sure to bring long pants or you will have to rent them but you will get your warranty back after return. After this little misser, and a quick street lunch, Bank showed me the Golden Mount, which is a big temple on top of a hill in the middle of Bangkok. After a rather intensive climb, visitors are rewarded with some amazing views of the Bangkok skyline. 

Back in the guesthouse I wrote my 'obligatory' post cards and we awaited the tailors to bring my suit. That evening I ended up in Khao San Road (where else!) with a group of Thai friends of Bank, all AFS'ers, making this a 'typical' Thai night out. In the end I ended up talking with a germand and a dutch about travelling alone and differences between various SEA-countries. Khao San Road, you never know what you're going to get! 

Bank and me at the current Royal Palace

DAY 3: Weekend Market
My third day in Bangkok started a little slower but I first headed to PhatPong. This is a road where all 'massages' are give, if you know what I mean... Unfortunately there was nothing to be seen during day-time and it was a bit too far to head back there at night. 

I made my way to the Chatuchack Weekend Market. This huge market place is only open on weekends and is so crowded and busy that you soon get lost inside this maze. From food to clothes, via puppies to furniture, everything is possible here. Without worrying too much, I walked around this nice market for several hours before getting bored. 

Around 9PM I headed for a pub called Play Yard where Bank was to perform with his band. Check out The Whitest Crow, they sound like The Black Keys. I really enjoyed their sound and hope they continue growing as they are now. Good luck guys!

Back in the guesthouse, I packed my bags and headed back to Khao San Road for one last time. Typical Thai happenings (Only in Bangkok Baby) later I finished my stay here with a foot massage while two doors down the road music was blasting throught the speakers and people were dancing in the middle of the street. A perfect ending for my experiences in Blastin' Bangkok!

DAY 4: To Myanmar
My next day in Thailand was also my last as I took a €2,5 for shuttle to Bangkok's Don Muang airport. I took my time, as you never know with Asian traffic and spent most of the day travelling, or waiting, inside a bus and at the airport before taking of to Myanmar!

More about that soon. peace out_

King Filip went in a temple where I was too!
City & river view
For some reason, this year's pictures are incredible. in my opinion. 

King Rama V's Palace

King Rama (don't know what number)'s Palace
Democracy Monument

Bangkok's overview from Golden Mount

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great share dear, this place really looks wonderful. I keep organizing corporate events frequently and for that I will definitely consider this place. Can you share price list and other expenses to organize a party here?