On our last day at Lovely Professional University, we had the opportunity of doing a debate against LPU-students. Yes, a real debate. Like it (used to be) done at the UK parliament.
My team and me, winning debates like it's nothing. |
As we had received a brief presentation on what a debate exactly is and what was expected by us, we were challenged of opposing an "Opposing"-team from LPU, while we were the "Proposing"-team. A team consisted of four people, so eight of the Coventry University-students could debate. There were 2 topics:
- Should NATO allow Ukraine & Georgia to become part of the organization? (I was part of the team)
- Should teachers be allowed to teach a biassed version of history to students?
I had never done anything like this. Debating, as well as the research and preparation, is something I actually really like doing! If all the activities for the visiting universities would be cancelled, the debate would be the one that I would mind the most not having any more.
After the debate we had an hour off and an Afghan student we had met during the debate invited us for an ice cream. What an ice cream that was! This student was very intruiging as well, had lots of stories and experiences of his youth to share, which we tried to give a place in our mind. People from countries outside of the EU really experienced the "nineties" and "two thousands" so differently than we did...
So while we were still impressed, and realized we had lost another hour waiting, we assembled in a small class room for the "Closing Ceremony". A great speech by Hans (you're welcome for that, my friend), and speeches from different involved parties from LPU and Coventry University later, we all received a certificate of participation. The little pictures I made at that time, were almost all ruined because Indians kept walking in and out of the class room and in front of the crowd. Cultural differences, I will never get used to them!
Receiving the Participation Certificate by LPU-Management. |
We made some more group pictures, inside as well as outside, and -after some of us were asked to pose seperately for an individual picture by LPU-employees- headed back to our hotel. We would leave early on the next day and therefore decided to pack already. When finished packing, most of us went into Jalandhar. Finally! It took us five days to get to this city and it was well worth the wait! I am not talking about the city, as we didn't have time to see it at all actually. But once we got to the centre, our Afghan friend guided us straight to The Brewmaster. We enjoyed a great (and rather cheap) dinner and some good beers and/or cocktails before heading back to the hotel around 11PM. What is it with Indians and going home early?
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The Brewmaster-Team. Picture by HK. |
PS: The LPU-blog mentioned our visit as well. I must say, I believe I write better than they do..! Coventry University UK Students reached LPU Campus for Exchange Program
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