Of all tales, impressions, & experiences, only Experiences are the key to success.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Incredible India - Prequel

The reason I joined the Global Leaders Program, a extracurricular program offered by Coventry University, was, let's be honest here, mainly for the international and intercultural trip. We could choose between several destinations. But I wisely chose for a far-away and more adventurous experience. A trip to INDIA it is! 

Academic, personal and/or professional benefits for attending this trip’ 

In recent years I have travelled to various countries around to world including USA, Argentina, Finland, Spain, Poland, Morocco, Croatia etc. Some of these trips were pure holidays. I do however always try to go to new and merely discovered countries to encounter new people, cultures and ways of living. Also, I have traveled to countries like USA, Argentina and others in the context of school and intercultural exchanges, participating in local daily life or attending business lectures and working with students from around the globe. I am very fond of working and learning in this way as I am aware that globalization makes us more dependent of different cultures and that as a future MSc in International Marketing, intercultural experiences are indispensable for me.

Asia however, is still an unknown pearl for me. Although I have heard and read quite a lot about it, I have never had the opportunity to visit the newly emerging markets in the Far East. When the Global Leaders Program offered the intercultural trip to India, I knew right away that this was the destination I had to pick. I am fully aware of the fact that I will be blown away several times by the amount of people and the, no doubt, immense cultural differences I will face. Nonetheless I believe that I, as a GLP-member and Coventry University student, am ready for this experiences and will learn a lot of it. I always keep in mind that: “Experiences are the key to success”. 

Tomorrow Incredible India awaits...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have something to look forward to! India with all its people, noise and smells will either scare you off, or more likely get you hooked for more asian adventures!