Of all tales, impressions, & experiences, only Experiences are the key to success.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

EEET2013 - End Lyrics

You are probably sick of it by now. Therefore this song. One more time, it is all about EEET2013. 
Eastern Europe Eurail Trip 2013 - End Lyrics
Are you ready to go?

Kind of like the End Lyrics of EEET2012, I would like to start by thanking some people for making this Experience the success it has been. 
  • The awesome hosts of  Hostel Goodnight Grooves in Belgrade and Villa Hipodromo in Sarajevo.
  • To all Free Walking Tour guides, for trying to give us the most information you could about your city and country.
  • To all the random people we met, talked to and learned from
  • To all the strangers in the streets in Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Croatia who helped us when we needed your help the most. 
  • Our new friends from Serbia, Poland and Norway: Karlo, Dusko, Maja, Aleksander and his friend, Tom & Heine and some I don't remember the names from - sorry about that
  • Liesbeth's family: for organizing and inviting us to a great week in la douce France
  • Toon&Heike: our co-tripping couple. For joining us for the first ten days and for enduring me as I realize that sometimes I probably just was being an *** for no specific reason; 
  • & last but certainly not least: Liesbeth: for being there, pretty much always, and standing by me during 28 (sometimes really) long days.    
I will just quote myself after last year: I don’t know how you survived me and my bullsh*t but you did and you even smiled during it! So thank you all, because without only one of you, the chain, the line, the whole frame of this trip wouldn't have been the same... It wouldn't have been the same without even one of you. Thank you guys and girls, ladies and gents and hopefully see you again someday!

I hope that in the future, maybe, some travelers will read this and maybe use it for their purpose, enabling them to enjoy this trip as much as I have.  Thank you for reading you all. It really means a lot to me –a bit of commenting now and then wouldn’t hurt though! Haha. All the way down this post you'll find the map of the actual route we followed during EEET2013. Be sure to check it out!

peace out & cheerios_

EEET2013 - the final edition map

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