Of all tales, impressions, & experiences, only Experiences are the key to success.

Friday, April 5, 2013

International Workshop - Edition 2013 - USA

[The world is a book and those who do not travel only read one page...

With that in mind, and with my motivation to see the USA from a different angle, I applied to participate to the 16th International Workshop (2013 - USA) edition. Together with 59 other students from, among others: The Netherlands, China, UAE, USA, Germany etc. I will be participating into an international business game on the East Coast. We will be visiting Washington D.C, Baltimore, Pennsylvania and finish in New York City in a two week timelapse.

During these two weeks we will play the business game and off course do some local sightseeing and company visits. Intercultural team development, cross-border teamwork, business and marketing insights will be developed with the help of team members from around the globe. Let's see if this trip is as amazing as it all sounds. USA here comes Belgium.

I hope to be able to keep posting regularly from wherever I may be. 
Thanks for reading & stay tuned. thibaultintheworld.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Zalig!!! take me with you :(