Of all tales, impressions, & experiences, only Experiences are the key to success.

Friday, April 12, 2013

16th International Workshop – USA: Part 3: Baltimore

Monday morning we left D.C. On our way to Point Pleasure Beach in New Jersey State, where the business management game was going to take place, we made a stop in Baltimore.
After D.C. this was the second city we visited and I must say that it was way more an American city than the capital. The huge skyscrapers, the big cars and trucks, the people… everything was bigger and more extreme than everything else, the real American way you know.

We visited a bookstore, which is located in an old power plant of the city, the Hard Rock Café, the WTC-tower, which holds a shrine with a piece of the New York WTC, which came down on 9/11, and wandered around in the city.

As it was really warm, we were having +25°C, we (just Team Belgium) decided to have lunch on a terrace with an amazing view on the bay of Baltimore. After that we headed back for the bus and continued our trip to Point Pleasure Beach. 

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