Of all tales, impressions, & experiences, only Experiences are the key to success.

Monday, January 30, 2012

National Strike

Today, January 30th 2012 is, yet again, a shamefull day for Belgium as an economy. National strike in the whole country, therefor the word National is appropriate here. Nothing works. Companies, public transport, some schools, ... Although universities don't strike, implicating that students coming from far will have to be very original finding a way to get to their exam on time as there is no transport available for most of them.
Of course there are some original ideas/actions that take place: the Rector (=university principle) lending is car+driver (why the fuck does he need this in the first place?) to students to bring them to their exam and back.
People making Facebook-pages to offer or look for a place to sleep or a mean of transportation.

A new phenomenon, thanks to social media, are the people, mostly youngstars like me, writing 'open letters' to newspapers, trade unions, companies etc etc. (= a letter directed to someone or a group of people, that is put on the internet for everyone who want to to read it.).

And yet again the belgian economy suffers from this, last December the one-day strike costed the belgian economy 500 million euros. Thank you Trade Unions. You should be happy you still got a job! Be mad in a way that you DON'T make other people who do not share your opinion suffer!

I could write a whole letter here, why I think you people are wrong. But I won't. I just don't think it's worth it at the moment. But here's some other people's opinion, that I (partly) share:
 - Mijn brief aan de heer De Leeuw (hij heeft zijn naam niet gestolen)
"Mijnheer De Leeuw, u kiest niet voor ons, wij kiezen zelf"

Striking is for losers.

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